Staffordshire Skin and Laser Clinic aims to provide the highest of standards within the aesthetic industry. We appreciate consumers have the daunting task of finding a clinic and skilled reputable practitioners that not only get the desired results but stick to safe practices in everything they do.
In the right hands, the results of non-surgical cosmetic treatments such as Botox® and dermal fillers can be fantastic, restoring a more youthful appearance, delivering subtle and discreet enhancements that not only make us look better but can help to make us feel better too.

Up until recently, finding a safe, reputable practitioner has quite simply been a lottery. Legally, non-surgical cosmetic procedures like Botox® and dermal fillers can be injected by ANYONE regardless of their training or experience.

The lack of regulation has resulted in a mass of unscrupulous people masquerading as trained professionals who entice you through their doors promising to deliver great results at incredibly low prices. The truth is, without proper training, the results of any non-surgical cosmetic intervention can be disastrous.

Selecting a safe practitioner can be extremely challenging, but it’s not impossible, which is why we were keen to write this blog and share how you can make safe and informed choices.

In an industry that is inadequately regulated, and unaccountable many people are only influenced by price – or they are pressured into having treatments with time-limited deals and discounts that can ultimately leave them feeling regretful and disappointed. When choosing to have a non-surgical cosmetic procedure, selecting the right practitioner is vital. Never feel pressured to having a treatment within a certain time or with a practitioner that offers a deal or discount.

At Staffordshire Skin and Laser, we aim to offer only the very best results driven, medical grade, FDA approved, multi award winning equipment, lasers and products. Our products and treatments have all been extensively researched to prove both efficacy and safety, enabling us to meet our client’s treatment goals and expectation’s. We offer a consultation with all new patients and regular reviews which is essential to meeting our patients’ expectations. Our qualified and experienced team will discuss treatment options based on the time you want to invest in treatments, budget and desired results. With this in mind, you won’t see us heavily discounting treatments, and our prices reflect the investment in to our safe practice and the use of the very best equipment and products.

To further our commitment towards the industry standards, Staffordshire Skin and Laser Clinic is SAVE FACE accredited, and due to our continued commitment to high standards we are now a SaveFace Centre of Excellence.

Who Are SaveFace?

Saveface was devised to provide patients with a national register of Accredited practitioners who provide non-surgical cosmetic treatments such as anti-wrinkle injections and dermal fillers. Their register is accredited by Professional Standards Authority and is recognised by the Government, The Department of Health, NHS England and The Care Quality Commission.

Each and every practitioner and clinic listed on their register has been inspected against their robust set of standards. Save Face visit each clinic location and undertake ALL the checks on your behalf, so you can be assured when you select a practitioner from this register;

• They are who they say they are
• They are a registered nurse, doctor, dentist or prescribing pharmacist with specialist training and insurance in each treatment listed on their profile
• They use licensed products sourced from reputable suppliers
• They have all of the necessary paperwork in place to protect you from undue risk and harm. High standards of record keeping and confidentiality.
• Their practice standards meet the requirements to provide you with safe treatments, in a safe environment, with appropriate facilities, equipment and high standards cleanliness.

At Staffordshire Skin & Laser Clinic we have an extremely experienced team of Nurse Practitioners and Laser Aestheticians. Our team is highly qualified and highly experienced with exceptional clinical standards and a continued commitment to professional development and training.

To ensure we exceed the required standards we have an appointed team member whose role it is to implement operating procedures, complete regular audits and continually review practices to ensure the Clinic maintains its safe practices.

By visiting a Save Face accredited clinic you can feel assured that your treatments are delivered in safe hands, with safe products and in a safe environment.

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